Reverse image search as you shop.

Score searches Google, Bing, and more to find you the best prices as you shop.


No more manual reverse image search.

Find identical & similar options

Sellers create copies of listings that look similar. Score finds all of them. Especially useful for fashion & furniture categories. You no longer have to learn how to reverse image search!
No More Comparison Shopping
No More Comparison Shopping
No More Comparison Shopping
No More Comparison Shopping

Trusted retailers only

Score searches from 10,000 curated and trusted retailers.
No More Comparison Shopping

Eliminate checkout surprises

Score factors in shipping costs so you always see the final price upfront.
No More Comparison Shopping

Private by design.

Installing a browser extension should not mean giving up your privacy.
Score keeps your data private, and is transparent about exactly what we track.

Your data is never sold

Your data is never sold to anyone, including for ads purposes.

Analytics are used to improve Score’s functionality. Like understanding if something is broken and needs fixing.

Full analytics transparency

We publish all our analytics on Github. This details exactly when and what analytics we track.

Not satisfied? Reach out to let us know how we can improve data transparency.

Track only when needed

We do not track any browsing history or activity. We have no interest in doing so.

We request permissions for all sites in order to check if we can provide price comparison results for a product page.

Don't just take our word for it

Sanchit Bareja


Amazing extension! I found a $800 accent seat for $200. Have been eyeing for months and I'm so glad I found this and it made me easy to pull the trigger and buy it :)

John Palacio


Phenomenal app! Does exactly what's advertised plus more. It's saved me hundreds already and has become my go-to tool for shopping. Highly recommend it to anyone who shops online. You won&'t be disappointed and you'll never shop the same way again.

Panneer Chelvam


Makes my life much easier. Instead of searching multiple sites for a deal, I get it summarized for me.

Nikhil Sharma


After moving into a new apartment, I saved a ton (over $600) so far this month just by using Score when buying furniture. Can't believe it.

Kay Wee Lian


I've been using Score since it was in beta, and it's been excellent at finding me cheaper, better options. Highly recommend it to anyone who shops online a ton.

Shelly P


THIS is the only extension you'll ever need for online shopping! Having tried a handful of similar tools, I never felt that any of them made shopping online any easier. Score just streamlines this whole process - for people who don't have time to research the multitude of shopping options but still want to get the best deal possible, THIS IS THE ONE!

Michael Mendoza


This thing works insanely well. It finds similar products, not just the exact same ones. It's truly a game changer and may even make some businesses reconsider their insane mark ups!

Sindy Nur Fitri


Smooth and brilliant concept. It helps with online shopping experience and discovering best options and pricing available out there. I wonder if the extension would also work for shopping from overseas website. Thank you, Score!

Yang Pek


Very very easy for me to shop online. Helps me a ton at finding great alternatives. Love Score!

Reverse image search as you shop, for free.

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